Waking Up In The Morning

I love to ask clients, “What gets you up in the morning” or “How do you wake up each day?” So I wonder, how do you wake up? What gets you up each day? I’ve had times where I was so unhappy that, when I would wake up, I woke feeling awful. “Another day to … Read more

Engagement Over Efficiency

I keep knowing I chose to be here, am here for this very time our whole earth is in a huge shift. I saw this back in the seventies. Increasingly, my attention is called to what is mine to bring. Sometimes it words, concepts, specific skills. Sometimes I’m with other people, observing and experiencing what … Read more

Little Reminders From My Dog

I was out with my dog the other day, wanting him to go to the bathroom. At first, he was distracted, noticing the people across the street, just not on task. I suddenly remembered to do this differently and so said “Good boy!” It got his attention, voila! It’s been interesting to watch dog training … Read more

Wait, and Trust

It’s the message I’m getting this afternoon. Even right now, this is the second round of writing this. The first one got lost! So I’m doing laundry in our newest washing machine, a front-loader type. I have friends who have them. Have lived with friends who have them. Was warned that it takes a much … Read more

Strong In My Purpose

Strong In My Purpose I choose the big picture! And I choose it for a solid reason. The more we all know that we’re filled with spirit/Spirit, the less projection and small thinking will continue to dominate much of human experience. I’m talking about words and assumptions. Many blind people hate the idea of me … Read more

Birthday Celebration! My Mother Did The Work

Birthday Celebration My Mother Did The Work! I love birthdays, mine, and making much-a-do about others. On one hand, everyday is another birth day. Still, I love the annual day. My mother always made a lot out of our birthdays. Somewhere along the way I decided to be sure to continue this for myself, no … Read more

Rite Of Passage! Relationship Intuitive!

My last birthday was a mile marker. I claimed it as a “Rite Of Passage.” I knew I earned it, from every life experience! Since last fall, a series of experiences began to stir within me, waking me in new ways from old memories, beliefs, templates of being in the world. Some that arose, I … Read more

Dog And Cat Relationships

Are you more like a dog or a cat in a relationship, and/or, do you prefer one more than the other? While I love both dogs and cats, I’m more like a cat, and more apt to prefer cat behavior, cat people. I like independence. Cats show when they choose to be close. They come … Read more

New Blog – Same And Different

Welcome To My New Blog Hi There! “New? What’s new?” It’s The Same, and Different! The same creative approach to words, thoughts, reframing and communication you’ve come to expect from me, And, yet another new blog space. New website home and hosting. Thank you Jeff Bishop. On this blog, you will not only hear from … Read more