A Long Overdue Chat With Jonathan Mosen

Episode Notes

One of the first main people to influence me many years ago in podcasting, streaming, broadcasting and audio editing is, and was, a longtime dear friend: Jonathan Mosen. We haven’t always agreed. What two friends ever do always agree? Over the years we’ve had tons of fun! I have so many memories! After first feeling spiritually connected to Jonathan when we met, I was surprised to learn years later that he is an atheist. So I wanted us to sit down and discuss this, amongst other things. I’ve often felt that there is much to learn from each and all belief systems, Atheism included. And so it is here, we agree more than we disagree. Jonathan is highly principled, deeply concerned with the welfare of our world and our planet. We really did cover a lot of ground here. Among his many accomplishments, you’ll hear about his CEO role of Workbridge, the largest employment agency for disabled people in New Zealand, with 22 offices and 120 staff across New Zealand. Check out his excellent podcast: “Mosen At Large.”

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